Introducing GIF Growth
We are launching GIF Growth to fill the financing gap that high-impact companies are facing in emerging markets.
Entrepreneurs in developing countries face unique challenges. Seed and angel funding is small and limited, grant capital is scarce, and the landscape for early- to mid-growth stage investors is fragmented. Capital to take highly impactful innovations to scale is even scarcer.

GIF Growth will leverage capital from impact-first investors to help successful companies scale.
We offer smaller ticket sizes than traditional DFI and private equity investments, aligning with entrepreneurs’ current needs and creating a pipeline for future commercial investors. Our success will signal to the market that high-impact innovations are investable, commercially sustainable and can reach scale.

People in low- and middle-income countries targeted
Deployed by 2030 to improve and save lives
Already committed by our government partners
Our goal is to deploy $100M to save and improve the lives of over 100M people in low- and middle-income countries by 2030.
GIF Growth provides long-term patient capital
It has a permanent capital structure, functioning as an evergreen vehicle with the flexibility to continually raise funds and reinvest profits. It also provides local currency financing to ensure that investment capital aligns seamlessly with business capital needs.

GIF Growth's investment strategy is focused on improving the lives of the world's poorest populations
We will encourage increased participation from non-concessional investors over time. As the fund supports high-impact innovations to scale in challenging markets, we will seek to attract more commercially-orientated capital, enhancing our capacity to drive meaningful change.